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Two New Commissioners Appointed to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission

February 6, 2015

The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) is pleased to announce the appointments of Ms. Colleen Cameron and Ms. Heather Kuttai as Commissioners. The Government of Saskatchewan made the 5-year term appointments on February 5, 2015 through an Order in Council.

“Ms. Cameron and Ms. Kuttai demonstrate the value of citizen leadership, and the importance of acting on our civic responsibility, in our communities and in our province,” said Chief Commissioner David Arnot. “I look forward to working with these new Commissioners as the SHRC moves into the next phase of its new mandate.”

Colleen Cameron is an accomplished executive with policy-making, strategic planning, and communications experience in the telecommunications industry. She is also an active leader in the Aboriginal and health care communities in our province. Ms. Cameron is a member of the Beardy’s Okemasis First Nation who currently resides in Saskatoon with her family.

Heather Kuttai is an author and writer with a focus on disability issues such as inclusion, service provision, and maternity. She has a background in disability policy development, leadership in management, and post-secondary education administration. Ms. Kuttai is a three-time Paralympic medal-winning athlete who resides with her family in Saskatoon.

Cameron and Kuttai join David Arnot (Chief Commissioner), Paul Favel, Q.C., Janice Gitlin, Barry Wilcox, Q.C., and Nasser Malik as Commissioners for the SHRC.

The mission of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission is to promote and protect the individual dignity, fundamental freedoms, and equal rights of Saskatchewan citizens as mandated by The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.